Overlake Specialty School Logo


School Year 2024-25


September 2

No School - Labor Day

September 3

First Day of the School Year


October 11

No School - In-Service Day


November 11

No School - Veteran's Day recognized

November 22

Last Day of First Quarter

November 25-29

No School - Thanksgiving Break


December 23 - January 3

No School - Winter Break


January 6

First Day Back after Winter Break​ (Dec. 25 - Jan. 5)

January 20

No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


February 14

Last Day of Second Quarter

February 17-21

No School - Mid-Winter Break



April 11

Last Day of Third Quarter

April 14-18

No School - Spring Break


May 26

No School - Memorial Day


June 19

No School - Juneteenth

June 27

Last Day of Fourth Quarter

June 30 - July 4

No School - Early Summer Break


July 7

First Day Back after Early Summer Break​ (June 30 – July 4)

July 11

No School

July 18

No School

July 25

No School


August 1

No School

August 8

No School

August 15

No School

August 21

Last Day of Summer Quarter

August 22

No School

August 22 - 29

No School - Late Summer Break

Attendance Policy

Unless otherwise indicated on the yearly school calendar, students are required to be on-site at Overlake Specialty School during school hours:

School Hours

Sept. 3 - June 27:  

Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Wed.: 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

July 7 - Aug. 21:    

Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Fridays: School is closed on Fridays during the summer quarter.

Overlake Specialty School is a year-round school and all students are expected to attend in the summer. Any extended absences not approved in advance will be considered unexcused. We have found that extended absences are associated with a loss of gains made at the school as well as slower transitions back to home schools.

If students have an illness, scheduled appointment, late arrival, early dismissal or any other change in their normal attendance, it is important parents/guardians contact both the Administrative Assistant and School District Transportation as soon as possible.


It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify Overlake Specialty School if a student is absent due to illness or another cause. Parents/guardians should call the Administrative Assistant at 425-688-5425 and School District Transportation as soon as possible to provide notification of the absence. The absence will be recorded as unexcused unless a parent/guardian phone call and note is received within two school days.

Some examples of absences we consider excused:

  • Illness (see Illness policy below)
  • Planned family vacation
  • Attending a funeral
  • Attending a court hearing
  • Medical/family emergency
  • Religious holiday

In situations involving extended absences for medical or mental health issues, parents/guardians must contact the Administrative Assistant to share information and discuss any needed arrangements. Before the student returns to Overlake Specialty School, the parents/guardians must contact the Principal and discuss pertinent information regarding the extended absence. There will often be a team meeting with parents/guardians, school district representatives and Overlake Specialty School staff to discuss any changes and special arrangements before the student returns to Overlake Specialty School.

Extended trips and vacations are disruptive to academic progress. Please arrange trips and vacations during school holidays when possible. In order for extended trips and vacations during school days to be considered excused, parents/guardians must provide prior notice to Overlake Specialty School in advance. Parents/guardians can make homework arrangements with the student’s classroom teacher.


If your student has any symptoms below, please keep your student at home and contact the school. Sending a child to school with any of these symptoms puts other children and staff at risk of getting sick. If all parents/guardians keep their sick children at home, we will have stronger, healthier and happier children. While we regret any inconvenience this may cause, this means fewer lost work days and less illness for parents/guardians.

If any student presents with any of the below symptoms at school we will ask parents/guardians to pick them up. Potential Symptoms of COVID:

  • Fever or chills (more significant)
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (more significant)
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell (more significant)
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting (contact isolate)
  • Diarrhea (contact isolate)

Other concerning symptoms:

  • Eyes – thick mucus or pus draining from the eye or pink eye. With pink eye (conjunctivitis), you may see a white or yellow discharge, matted eyelids after sleep, eye pain and/or redness.
  • Rash – body rash, especially with fever or itching. Heat rashes and allergic reactions are not contagious.


If students have an illness, scheduled appointment, late arrival, early dismissal or any other change in their normal transportation plan, it is important that district transportation be informed as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to contact district transportation with this information.

Once a student leaves campus on the bus or cab, he/she becomes the responsibility of that district. Overlake Specialty School can assist in problem solving when needed, but decisions regarding transportation are the student’s home district’s responsibility.

Students are to be transported to and from school by district provided transportation, parents/guardians, or adults pre-approved by parents/guardians.

When a student's transportation arrives at school, the student is expected to remain in the vehicle until Overlake Specialty School staff request they exit transportation and enter the building.

Students are expected to follow the same behavioral guidelines on school district transportation they are supported at school. The driver has full authority over passengers. Seat assignments may be necessary to assure passenger safety. If students choose to behave in a way that is disrespectful or dangerous while on transportation, there may be logical consequences from the school district.