Staff Directory
Recreational Therapy
Recreation therapists are responsible for organizing outings, providing life skills classes and experiential learning activities, and faciliitating recreation/social integration programs for the school. Students have the opportunity to earn off-campus outings by demonstrating consistency with safety, work completion, and participation in on-campus programs.
Behavioral Intervention Specialists
Behavior Intervention Specialists are responsible for leading Right Reponse training for the entire staff, functional behavior assessments and positive behavior intervention plans for students, crisis management throughout the day. They also work jointly with school counselors to provide parent support.
School Counselors
School counselors offer 1:1 counseling, group counseling, crisis response, case management for students and families, and work jointly with Behavior Intervention Specialists to provide parent support.
Teachers are responsible for the planning and implementation of all academic classes, IEP development and maintenance, supervision of classroom staff and frequent communication with parents. Every classroom has a lead teacher who is also responsible for scheduling and leading quarterly meetings. All team members are expected to work collaboratively to meet the individual needs of every student.
Para-Educators are responsible for supporting classroom instruction and assisting the teacher with case management. There are two Medication Para-Educators who assist with medication management.
Instructional Assistants
Instructional Assistants work on the floor side-by-side with the students providing educational, behavioral, and emotional support under the supervision of the classroom teacher.