Overlake Specialty School Logo

Delays & Closures

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know if the school is closed due to weather?

Overlake Specialty School closure information will be available on local radio and television news, as well as online. FlashAlert will have the most updated information about school closure or late start. There are two ways to access this information, including an option to subscribe and get automatic alerts regarding school closure and/or late start times:

  1. Visit the Overlake Specialty School page on FlashAlert.net.
  2. Subscribe to get automatic news updates about Overlake Specialty School.

When Overlake Specialty School is closed due to inclement weather, can students attend?

Overlake Specialty School will offer remote school services when weather causes the school to be closed due to inclement weather.

If the school is open but a district is not providing transportation, can a student from that district still attend?

If the student’s district is closed and parents or guardians have the means to provide transportation both ways, students are welcome to attend.

If the school is open, a district is not providing transportation, and parent/guardian is unable to provide transportation, will the student be excused?

If parents or guardians are unable to provide transportation both ways then the student should stay home and this will be considered an excused absence.

If the school is open and starting late, when can students arrive at school?

When Overlake Specialty School is open and starting late, service will not be provided to students until the announced start time.

  • If school is starting one hour late (9 a.m.), students will not be admitted to the building until 8:45 a.m.
  • If school is running two hours late (10 a.m.), students will not be admitted to the building until 9:45 a.m.